CitePlag is the first prototype of a citation-based Plagiarism Detection (CbPD) System.
The prototype was just recently demonstrated at this year’s SIGIR conference.
So what’s novel about CitePlag?
In contrast to existing text-based approaches to plagiarism detection, CitePlag does not analyze literal text matches alone to determine document suspiciousness – but rather, CitePlag makes use of the unique citation placement in the full-text of documents to determine similarity and detect potential plagiarism.
In examining citation placement, position, and order, CitePlag forms a text-independent / and even language-barrier transcending “fingerprint” of the semantic content of documents, which can then be used to detect potential unoriginality and plagiarism.
CitePlag has come a long way from it’s humble beginnings in 2010, when we first proposed a citation-based approach to detect semantic similarity between documents for use in plagiarism detection. A year later, we developed the algorithms, and today we have a working prototype available for public use!
CitePlag now received a new homepage featuring improved functionality.
You can:
- upload your own files (PDF/ text documents)
- examine the most plagiarism findings and example of retracted plagiarism cases
- compare any two publications from the Open Access subset of the PubMed’s database (200,000+ medical publications)
Test the CitePlag prototype for yourself at its new home on the web:
If you’re curious about the project, see our related publications for more details on CbPD, or read my doctoral thesis, which narrows in on all aspects of Citation-based Plagiarism Detection.
- B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, M. Lipinski, and A. Nuernberger, “Demonstration of Citation Pattern Analysis for Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the 36th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Dublin, UK, 2013.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{Gipp13, title = {{D}emonstration of {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis for {P}lagiarism {D}etection}, author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}ipinski, {M}ario and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas}, year = 2013, month = {Jul. 28 - Aug. 1}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 36th {I}nternational {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Dublin, UK}, doi = {10.1145/2484028.2484214}, url = {}, topic = {pd} }
- B. Gipp, Doctoral Thesis: Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Applying Citation Pattern Analysis to Identify Currently Non-Machine-Detectable Disguised Plagiarism in Scientific Publications, University of Magdeburg, 2013.
[Bibtex]@book{Gipp13a, title = {{D}octoral {T}hesis: {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {A}pplying {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis to {I}dentify {C}urrently {N}on-{M}achine-{D}etectable {D}isguised {P}lagiarism in {S}cientific {P}ublications}, author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela}, year = 2013, publisher = {University of Magdeburg}, school = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany}, topic = {pd} }