Today we released Beta 11 of SciPlore MindMapping. There is a number
of new features, namely:
- New: Copy several BibTeX keys from different nodes at once
- New: Open the folder that contains the software’s log files via the menu
- New: Keyboard shortcuts for the most important functions
- New: Backup reminder (user is asked to activate backup after 10th software start)
- New: Information retrieval reminder
- New: Usage statistics implemented
- New: More options for PDF monitoring (update automatically on opening a mind map and read (no) sub directories)
- Improved: PDF Bookmarks are not only imported when a PDF is linked via Drag&drop but also via all other options to insert a PDF
- Improved: Width of attributes (monitoring directroy, BibTeX keys, …) restricted to 350px (looks better)
- Improved: Default selection method is now “on click”
- Improved: User name is not stored in mind maps any more
- Improved: Preferences dialog completely renewed
- Improved: Update info can be “paused” for one version
- Improved: Updatecheck and usage data now via webservice
- Improved: Smarter menu (some options are not available anymore when they would not make sense)
- Improved: Better handling of timeouts (so far it took sometimes 30 seconds)
- Fixed: Various errors when no internet connection was available
- Fixed: Version in registry wasn’t updated
- Fixed: References keys for PDFs were not imported if the PDF had no bookmarks
- Fixed: Under some circumstances references keys from Mendeley bib file were not imported (some special characters had unsual encoding)
- Fixed: Sometimes monitoring of PDFs did not work
- Fixed: Link to licence was broken
- Fixed: <HTML><b>SciPlore Mindmapping</b></HTML> should not occur anymore in MacOS version
- Fixed: Some corrupt PDF files caused SciPlore MindMapping to crash
- Fixed: Counter for new reference keys was always one too high